donderdag 20 september 2018

The wooden sea - Jonathan Caroll

"There are no rules, man. Get used to it." 

 This sums up this book quite nicely I think, and therefore it reminded me of Dirk Gently. I struggled with the fact that there seems to be no consequences to the time travel paradoxes, like killing your older self, or changing yourself in the now seeming to have no affect on the you in the future. But it was a nice read. Some quotes I enjoyed:

 "Blame is always convenient because it is so decisive: My fault. Your fault. But marriage is never that clear-cut. He pisses you off here, you piss hime off there. Sometimes you end up with a toiletbowl so full neither of you can flush it."

 "How am I hearing this? How does this work?"
 Gus announced authoritatively, "Linear matrix Tubing."
 "Say what?"
 "Linear matrix tubing. There's a deliberated fiber-optic conduit bleached through an open-end ekistics feed -"

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